"Überlegungen zum Mechanismus der Erinnerung
(Thoughts about the mechanism
of memory) " |

"Überlegungen zum Mechanisumus der
Erinnerung" (Thoughts about the mechnism of memory)
A view of the exhibition, "Essig
Salz und Käse", ArToll Labor e.V., Bedburg-Hau, Germany, 1999
A memory is composed of many different parts. It can be conscious and subconscious and has an individual meaning for each person, even when the memories come from the same experience. The weight of the memory is different every time, depending on the person, the moment, the situation, etc. Intentional and unintentional pictures were taken on 8 films in Bedburg-Hau, on the site of the "Rheinsche Landesklinik" (Clinic for Psychiatry and Neurology). The resulting approximately 290 (5x7 inch each) pictures were printed.
Each print carries the number of the corresponding film and picture. Some prints are cut to 1/3 inch by 1/3 inch, others are left uncut. The pieces of each cut picture are kept together in a filmcase (numbered corresponding to film and picture), to be collated/pasted on the panel later. Some pieces left in the filmcase are not collated/pasted. Each finished work consists of the pieces of only one print.
Photo, panel, ca. 7 x 5 inch (12,7 x
17,8cm), filmcase
A view
of the exhibition, "Essig Salz und Käse", ArToll Labor e.V.,
Bedburg-Hau, Germany, 1999 |
BH08-12A |
BH02-29 |
BH01-28 |
BH08-29 |
BH06-03 |
Presentation in Künstlerhaus
e.V., Dortmund, Germany, 1999 :

at "Grünauring 35, Wohnung 3, 1.Stock links", as part of "FUGE" (www.fuge.ch),
Zurich, Switzerland |
